Weight Loss Tracker

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tracking progress

I have a new way to track my health kick progress. I'm still doing the diet and doing well - at 16lb gone it seems to be going ok. One side effect of doing this for several months is that when I want to cheat on the odd occasion I now get terrible gut rot. Now, this is good when you want to eat bad food, but I had sushi on Thursday and man, I felt terrible all day. Last night we ate at a south American restaurant near where we live and the same thing happened.

So, I've decided, using my new heart rate monitor that I'm going to record the calories I burnt. With the theory that each pound of weight is the equivalent to 3500 calories I should be able to tell when my weight will drop.

Monday - double spin 1417 calories
Tuesday - strength plus spin 1782 calories
Thursday - strength plus spin 2003 calories
Saturday - Bodypump class 550 calories

Total - 5752 calories = 1.6lb

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