Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have 2 stories on water.

1) I went to get a teatowel from under the sick yesterday and they were all wet. On investigation one of our sinks had lost it's seal in the drain and water had been free flowing into the cupboard below....oh yeah for us. It's totally damaged the bottom of the cupboard. Hopefully the plumber will be able to fix it today.

2) On a worse note, after all the building work that's been done (like $250,000 worth!!), unit 2 (you know, the guys who lived with us in Jan and Feb) took water yesterday and they've got damage in their living room. Can you believe that?

it sucks

1 comment:

Penny said...

Are you going to kill me if I say something stupid like, when it rains, it pours?