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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Feeling grumpy

I'll post on last weekend's exploits at a later date but right now I have to have a rant before I say something I'll regret.

I think I'm fed up of working on vacation, basically being available 24/7 and generally a dogsbody when my boss takes their bony ass out to lunch for several hours several days a week. I've had enough.

Today was ridiculous. Not only did they go out to lunch (my boss and their colleague....at least 3 times a week 12-2.30ish if not 3) they then proceeded to call and text their assistant until she left too. Their assistant is pretty funny most of the time as she's loud and brash and tends to say what's on her mind and it's usually colourful too. However today she spent an hour telling me how our boss was hindering her to go join them.

Bloody marvelous. As I said to her, she should be thankful she gets an invite. Apparently I'm stuck here, never have time to go out and never get an invite either.

I think it's more fool me. As of today no more. I'm done. It's not fair, and I'm not doing myself any favours at all.

Tonight is the holiday party and I'm so not festive. I've not put up my tree, sent cards or anything .... and perhaps that's not helping. We leave early Saturday for our vacation - so if the tree doesn't go up before Friday it won't go up.....

Jeepers.....at least I know I'll be sitting on a beach with a VERY large cocktail this time next week.

I just hope that when I finally get my annual review....that it says I walk on water. If it doesn't....then maybe it's time to move on.

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