Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Rhubarb, bikes, my ankle and hair

The week went by in a whirlwind as always. I'll get onto the crappy parts later, but let's start with this weekend. So first, check out the pic below - if you remember back to last year I thought I'd killed the rhubarb. It had blackfly and totally died. I figured that I'd just start again this year. Anyway, we went out on the balcony this weekend - and CHECK IT OUT! I'm soooooo excited we might be eating it this year!

We also achieved something else this weekend - Trev bought a bike. I'm excited about that too - Billy (our trainer) has a new bike, I have mine from last year, so it's looking like we'll have lots of trips out and about. That is so cool. At the same time we got bike shoes - and they make such a difference in spin class. I never thought they would - but now my toes don't go numb!

I've also had my hair done again - getting ready for Mexico in May I've had it brightened for the summer - so while I'm still red, it's definitely brighter. When I get my act together I'll take a pic!

Onto the ankle....which is coming up for it's first anniversary.....I saw the doctor again last week. I got stuck with a needle of cortizone. The doc thinks that it'll help. What I wasn't ready for was a flipping big kick ass bruise that hurts like hell! Anyway.....we'll wait and see:) You never know - it may do the job!!

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