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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

May 30th - Nick and Jackie get married in Mexico

We left Memorial day for a trip to Mexico - and we had a great time. While it felt like a 6 day frat party it was a lot of fun. The hotel was awesome and the definition of "all inclusive" was incredible. Room service was even included. We ate too much, drank too much, sat in the sun too much etc etc and we had a blast - I did post the pics on Facebook, but just in case you didn't see them....here they are.

It was the first time i'd ever gone away with a big bunch of people - to be honest we didn't have too much in common with a lot of them - way too many fraternity and cheerleader types for us....but we did meet some nice people to hang out with, and really enjoyed it.

I didn't like the humidity and the crappy hair i had all week - but you'll see dresses are my thing this summer...I'm so excited! I can't stop shopping. it's a pretty good incentive to keep going!

Nick and Jackie's Wedding

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