Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fuel prices

To give everyone Stateside a view of what fuel prices are like for UK peeps check out this article.


Can you believe it? Makes our $3/gallon look postively good value!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Horror


This is one of the most horrifying stories I've ever read. I just feel for them - can you imagine never having seen daylight? Ever?


I have 2 stories on water.

1) I went to get a teatowel from under the sick yesterday and they were all wet. On investigation one of our sinks had lost it's seal in the drain and water had been free flowing into the cupboard below....oh yeah for us. It's totally damaged the bottom of the cupboard. Hopefully the plumber will be able to fix it today.

2) On a worse note, after all the building work that's been done (like $250,000 worth!!), unit 2 (you know, the guys who lived with us in Jan and Feb) took water yesterday and they've got damage in their living room. Can you believe that?

it sucks

Monday, April 28, 2008

More celebration

...Rachel got her visa through too in the lottery - she's safe for 6 years! Yeah for us....

What a GREAT day for the family!


Stop press - our green card application was approved today! yeeeeeehaaaaaa!


After a weekend of drugs for the cough and itching I feel totally pickled. This is how the weekend went:

First thing - 2 puffs of inhaler, 2 pills, tsp of cough syrup
After lunch - 1 pill
After dinner - 1 pill, 1 tsp of cough syrup
Before bed - 2 puffs of inhaler, 2 pills, tsp cough syrup

I'm happy to report that the rash is getting better slowly, especially on my face. My legs, chest and hands are taking longer. I appear to be coughing less, although a little tickly this morning.

What I didn't realize is the cortizone treatment he recommended was Prednazone which is a steroid.....so all weekend I've been sooooo hungry and been eating everything in sight. Luckily I'm only taking for another 5 days - if not, the smaller pants I'm now wearing would rip!

Good news, though - right?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

New MeMe

Thanks Penny for this. I’ll live up to my reputation and complete it. This one is going around again on email. You put an X for each item you've done, then answer the questions below. To make it NEW again, let's say it has to have been in the past ten years.

() Gone on a blind date
() Skipped school
() Watched someone die
() Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(X) Been to Florida
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost
() Been on the opposite side of the country — what’s opposite? I live in the middle!
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
() Played cops and robbers
() Recently colored with crayons
() Sang Karaoke
(X) Paid for a meal with coins only?
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(X) Made prank phone calls
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
() Danced in the rain
() Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
() Watched the sunrise with someone you cared about
(X) Blown bubbles
() Gone ice-skating
() Been skinny dipping outdoors
() Gone to the movies by yourself

1. Any nickname? Well officially Phil is my nickname
2. Mother's name? Ruth
3. Favorite drink? A nice English cup of tea (little milk, hot and strong) made with Tesco premium teabags
4. Tattoo? None
5. Body piercings: Just the ears
6. How much do you love your job? Loads – most of the time
7. Birthplace? Hemel Hempstead, England
8. Favorite vacation spot? Heron Island, Australia
9. Ever been to Africa? No
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yes
11. Ever been on TV? No
12. Ever steal any traffic signs? No
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door
15. Favorite salad dressing? Asian Sesame
16. Favorite pie? Apple and blackberry – smothered in Bird’s custard
17. Favorite number? 7
18. Favorite movie? Rocky Horror Picture Show
19. Favorite holiday? May bank holiday/Memorial Day (it’s the start of summer!!! Yeah!)
20. Favorite dessert? Banana Angel Delight with Cadbury flake sprinkled on top or Lemon Meringue Pie
21. Favorite food? English sausages
22. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
23. Favorite brand of body wash? Dove (the one with no perfume or additives)
23.5 Favorite Hand wash? Bath and body works white tea and giner
24. Favorite toothpaste? Sensodyne
25. Favorite smell? Ylang Ylang candles
26. What do you do to relax? Go to the gym, surf the internet for hours and hours
27. How do you see yourself in 10 Years? Still at the company I work for, more senior with serious plans for moving to somewhere warmer (and the ability to buy outright from all the money we’ll make on our condo in NYC)
28. Farthest Place you will send this message? Only Blogger
29. Who will respond to this the fastest? Penny’s started this so probably no-one else

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Format

So, do you like it? I got bored with the old one, then I didn't like the first one I picked. I thought this looked pretty contemporary and cool.

The Doctor

So, this post is about my actual doctor - not one of my favourite shows, Dr Who. As an aside, if you've not watched Dr Who....see it. That, and Torchwood. I think they're on SciFi channel as well as BBCAmerica.

So, since having flu a few weeks I've got the following ailments:
- really bad cough, dry, annoying to everyone and myself
- my rash that was on my eyes is better but it's now spread to top of legs, chest, hands and forearms
- I need a prescription for my HRT - I'm bad at taking it but need something to stop the night sweats (oh, the joys of menopause.....even so, better than PMT and periods!!)
- My thigh muscle hurts. It's hurt about 8 weeks. I thought I'd just pulled a muscle but rest and exercise haven't made it any better. I think I should get an xray/scan/MRI just to check it's nothing more serious

So....I have the name of an orthopedic surgeon and an obgyn so will be making appointments next week.

For the flu symptoms I have the following:
- inhaler for morning and evening
- cough medicine 3 times a day
- hydrocortizone treatment for the rash

Apparently the diagnosis was that I have allergies - and that the rash that is creeping around my body is the same as the cough - and you can't itch a cough.

So, we'll see how that all goes.

This weekend I get to choose all the colours for the walls and floor. We are having the place decorated throughout while we're in Colorado. The walls, woodwork, having the TV mounted on the wall, surround sound, bathroom floors redone and then mirror/waste disposal in the kitchen. I can't wait. They're also going to put together the cabinets I bought for the living room. Oh yeah!!

Fart filter


I laughed out loud - although I know at least one woman who could benefit too:)


Do you believe it?


I never believed in ghosts or UFOs or anything like that until Penny had the ghostbusters in her house. When I heard recordings of the ghosts not only did it send chills down my spine (especially when you heard "pen-ny" in the background!!) but it opens your mind to what's out there.

What do you think? Fake or real?

How lovely


I thought this was touching - while some of us may not enjoy going to the pub, others do. I think this was a great idea. So remember kids...when your parents are in a nursing home you can find them extra friends!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

We have a cheese shop!


Now, I'm not one for cheese but a lot of my family and friends love it. We've got a Cheese Store. How cool is that?

So, for when you guys come and visit we've got something else to do.

A record...

One of my new year's resolutions was to get out for lunch more. It may be the middle of April but I'm happy to report it's only Thursday and I've been out for lunch 3 times....and each time it's been for over an hour. We've had beautiful weather and I have to tell you.....I have no motivation at all to work.

The other thing is that at work the pressure has been off for a few weeks - and I'm realizing I only work well when I'm under the gun and busy as crap. I really do have to get my butt in gear because I know I'll be mad if my boss doesn't think I'm "superior"...but at the same time I can't get into it. Hopefully while we're away in Denver I can get lots done to get organized for the second half of the year.

I'm starting to freak out about how I'm going to keep up the exercise while I'm away. At the best of times I'm bad at getting motivated, but at least when I'm home I do go to a spin class 4 times a week and other occasional things. I have no excuses because we're staying at a hotel and they'll be a pool and gym available. I wonder if I should find a trainer for while I'm there - OK back to reality - like I have money for that.

I'm trying to book a flight to go back to the UK in early June but holy cow, the flights are expensive. I'm sure something will turn up - I'm going to take a week on vacation and a week working.

OK, I've gotta work...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Leah vs. Chad vs. Matt vs. Ana vs. Carla

470 vs. 500 vs. 570 vs. 600 vs 670. My spin teachers and the average number of calories burnt in a 45 minute class. What's interesting about this is that is also in ranking order of who's my favourites. Tonight I was in Leah's class for the first and last time. It was so boring. I was there for ages and looked up at the clock and a whole 15 mins had gone by. It was awful.

I just love Carla and Ana's classes, and Matt's OK. Tonight was just terrible - to the point where I felt the need to type this.

Now I'm desperately trying not to eat the 470 calories in cookies and chocolate!

What artist should paint your portrait?

Who Should Paint You: M.C. Escher

Open and raw, you would let your true self show for your portrait.

And even if your painting turned out a bit dark, it would be honest.


Don't get me wrong - overall I love my job. I have an awesome boss and the people I work with are great. But sometimes I just wonder. I will say here that I'm a perfectionist, that I know I don't suffer fools gladly and I get frustrated easily when I see people who don't work as hard as I do or aren't as loyal.

My company was acquired last week and now we're this huge-ass company with a new brand etc. I think the communications through this acquisition have been great. The particular part of the organization I work in has most of the management team from my old company so a lot of the cultures and expectations aren't really changing very much. Yesterday was the day we got to meet some of the staff from the other company. They were a mixture of people - both training staff and managers. My focus here is on the managers (think VP or Director) and how they're assimilating their staff into this brand new world. We had meetings and then the day ended with drinks at a bar - there were probably 200 people in this place so it was very busy.

Now, I don't like to let it all hang out when it's business, but at the same time I do like to have fun. I see it as an opportunity to shake the hand of people I don't know and find out what they do. Now, wouldn't you have thought that these people who are trying to assimilate to the team would do exactly the same thing? Right. Well they didn't. I'd done a couple of swoops around the bar - and then I found 6 of them huddled in a little group..... these poor people. I know that not everyone's the same - but they had been told by the SVP to meet at least 6 people they don't know. Not sure how they were planning on doing that all sitting with each other. Anyway, I grabbed them, split them up (having secured assistance from another colleague) and we started introducing them to other people.

I know I should be more understanding - but c'mon people, we're all fighting for our jobs right now - you'd think you'd want to put your best foot forward, right? I think I'm most frustrated with the manager of this group - because he should know better.

Still, I had a great time - got to hang out with a few peeps. And I didn't get a headache in the morning.

Ok, thanks for reading - I feel better already:)


For anyone who's ever been to IKEA will find this article hysterical. I stole it from Penny.....I just couldn't resist. This website is now one of my favourites.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To delegate or not to delegate

I'm a control freak. I know I am. I try not to be....but it just doesn't work. As a manager, I always feel incredible guilt when I don't delegate and let go of the reins enough to let someone else have a go. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

In this new job of mine (although not so new any more.....it's been since Jan 1) I don't have any direct reports so a lot of what I do I have complete control over. There are times when I feel I'm doing very mundane admin work and my boss will find out and fire me. While I know that it won't happen, it makes me think that when it's very very administrative I should train someone more junior to do the work.

That's what I did last week. AND WHY DOES IT BACKFIRE?

All I wanted this person to do is open up a reporting program, filter by an account name and product and copy and paste it into Excel. Now do it 23 more times for each of the other accounts. Easy right? Foolproof right? Yeah.....well......not. I thought I'd done the right thing. I showed them, they showed me - we're all good. This person has always done stellar work before so I saw no reason to check at all.

I find nothing worse when I'm trying to get lots of managers to do things differently, I give them information and it's wrong. I feel like a complete idiot - and I'm mad as hell. Not only because I look stupid, but more importantly it's now taking more time than it would have if I'd just done it myself. I'm not cut out for this mentoring crap - I just should suck it up and do it myself.

I've just finished the "you made errors, so please do it again - correctly this time" conversation. The big question is will I trust the results?

The answer is a big...fat...NO NO NO NO NO.

Ah well....such is life.


This made me laugh. If it was April 1st I'd think it was a joke article. Hahaha.


Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday already

Man, the weekend went by fast. While I did spend some time relaxing, I feel like I did lots of stuff too.

First things first, 1 managed 2 days in a row to get a lie in. One thing that's annoyed me for the longest time is that I'm awake by 7am, and usually up and doing chores by 8am. I hate that. I always wanted to have a lay in until noon,.....but my body wouldn't allow it. For whatever reason this weekend I managed it. Saturday we got up at around 11am, and then Sunday was about 10am. Not bad for people who are usually early birds.

Now, that may have something to do with the fact that we had an impromptu party on Friday at our neighbours place. We grilled out, drank wine, checked out their new patio furniture and generally hung out. Oh yeah, and the weather was gorgeous all weekend so that made for lots of socializing.

Friday night I also worked out with my 3rd trainer. Her name is Debbie. She's better than Mitch, but still not the same as Billy. I didn't hurt particularly, but at least I felt like I was working out. I also managed a spin class on Saturday. I bailed Sunday and decided to rest, but tonight I'll do spin plus a strength training class so that's pretty good. My right thigh is still bugging me - so I had a massage at the weekend to see if that would fix the nagging problem. the only time it hurts is when I"m doing a lunge with my leg at the back....it's right at the top of the thigh, but below the hip bone. My gut tells me it's muscular, but if it doesn't sort itself out soon I'm going to have to go to the doc to make sure it's not serious.

On other health issues, I still have weird rashes all over me....and again if that doesn't go by Friday it'll be back to the doctor to see if they can figure out what it is. My cough is also still here and not going anywhere. while it's a tad irritating to me - it's way more irritating to my colleagues who seem to think I have the black plague every time I cough:) If I eat hard candy or chew gum it's not so bad....but my jaw gets tired periodically.

My diet is crap. I think I'm going to have to start blogging everything I eat - while it's boring for the readers, it seems to keep my sorry ass in check - and I'd really like to lose another 10-20lb before summer....and time is running out. I read an article at the weekend that said people who work out a lot (ie, me!) tend to compensate and eat too much. I think I'm definitely guilty of that - while I eat well during the day and am careful - when I get home from the gym I'm usually ravenous and while I start off and prepare a healthy meal I usually find that doesn't work - and then I blow it all and eat crap. I have to get out of that habit. So my work day will consist of an omelette for breakfast (one regular egg plus one egg white, cheese, bacon), salad for lunch with meat, and then a granola bar at about 4.30pm. Then I'll have a smoothie before the gym, and a protein type meal afterwards. Let's hope that works...

On the furniture front, we put together our first cabinet yesterday. It looks great and I'm really pleased with it. Overstock.com is awesome and my new favourite website. We were going to wait to put it all together until after the decorating etc, but realized if it's damaged that it would be a problem returning the stuff - especially as the painting won't be finished until the end of May ish.

In other news, I sold the Grand Prix. An end of an era. I love that car - it's fast, cute, drives fantastic and has a heated drivers seat. It's staying within the family - Carrieanne is now the proud owner. she's taken great care of it over the past couple of years, so it's great she wants it. She's so excited to have a great car...and we're excited she's happy.

Saturday we went out to a Sushi restaurant at the other end of our town. We walked out with our neighbours - it's about a mile. I think we decided while the food was good, the service was terrible, atmosphere average and the drinks OK. It certainly wasn't worth the hike of 14 blocks....we could have got the same, if not better, experience more closer to home. Luckily where we live a taxi is a flat $5 so getting home was a breeze.

OK, back to work.....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Now seriously...


Who goes and gets 32GG boobs? That is the most ridiculous thing I've read in ages. Now I know that those with no boobs want bigger ones, and that those of us with big boobs really could without them and just yearn to be able to buy a t-shirt with a shelf bra and it actually fit. But c'mon....who in their right mind thinks that this woman looks attractive?

On a brighter note, my flu is gone except for a lingering cough that's annoying the crap of everyone I sit with at work....but hey, not much I can do about it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is this bad?

I will preface this by saying that I did a strength training class plus a spin class tonight.

OK, so I'm sitting here watching the finale of The Biggest Loser on TV. Is it bad of me that I ate a small tub of ice cream and a chocolate bar?

While I'm feeling guilty I did work my butt off in the gym....so it's OK, right?

Sense of taste

So, when does it return? I'm getting mightly fed up of not being able to taste food. I know I was ill, but I've finished the antibiotics, I'm back in the gym regularly and to everyone on the outside it looks like I'm fine and dandy. I'm sitting here this morning drinking my first cup of tea and I still can't taste it. Definitely weird. I can taste stuff on my lips, but not a thing in my mouth. Doesn't stop me eating bad things though:)

We are now finally in the state at home where this is no chocolate. This can only be good. While we do have a few cookies and such I really never think about eating those unless it's a Saturday morning - don't ask me why, I don't know...I just don't. So, we're back to eating sugar free jello if I want a sweet fix.

Man, I wish my sense of taste would return. I wonder how long I should wait before I ask a doctor....?

Monday, April 14, 2008


Things are changing on the gym front. Billy quit, Mitch is OK....yeah yeah I hear you say. I'm waiting with baited breath for the gym across the street so I can train with Billy again - that said I still have 28 sessions at the gym that need to get used. In talking with Debbie (the 3rd trainer who'll be at this new building), she's excited for not only the changes but is a more bubbly personality than Mitch. While Mitch is OK... I'm not settling and the sooner I acknowledge that the better. So, I'm spending an hour with Debbie on Friday afternoon. We'll see how that goes.

I'm keeping up with the cardio and getting in at least 3-4 sessions of spinning a week which is good. I'm starting to notice the lack of muscle tone though in my arms - hence the session on Friday. I will also try and be more dedicated to the Bodypump class which is all about weight lifting.

In addition, I've really got to look after my hip/back - it's still giving me trouble, even though I'm taking it easy in the gym.

What colour is your mind?

Your Mind is Blue

Of all the mind types, yours is the most mellow.

You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.

Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well again

Man, that flu kicked my ass. I can't believe it took nearly a whole week before I felt normal. I can't believe it's Sunday night again already. I broke down on Thursday and went to the doctor who gave me antibiotics, cough medicine and cream for my eyes. Outside of the high temperature, the crappy eyes were awful. At least all the drugs have made that better - it's not perfect, but it's better. I feel like I aged 20 years. I'm hoping most of the lines will disappear....I guess if they don't I'll be stuck with it.

From an eating perspective I've eaten way less than normal...and it's showing on the scales. Hopefully during the week the smaller stomach will mean we'll see inches lost. For the gym, I went to spin last Thursday, but I went easy on myself. I did the same Saturday. I met Mitch today - and I did OK. So, I'm back to normal.

I'm still not brilliantly OK with Mitch. He's OK...but he's no Billy. Talking of Billy, I found him a new job:) It's funny how life throws you these things. There's a new building that's opened right opposite the gym, and there's a gym there. I happen to be friends with a lady who works in real estate and knew that that building was looking for a trainer for their gym. The plus side is that it looks like I'll be able to train with Billy there. I really hope so - I do miss him.

On the ailments front I've got a sore back and a sore right hip/top of thigh. I think I'm going to get a massage to see if I can fix it - otherwise it'll be a trip to the doctor. I think I'm starting to get worried as it's not getting better. We'll see...

OK, well I'm off to watch the final of Bret Michel's Rock of Love....complete and utter crap reality TV. But it's great.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sick sick sick

Oh my....I can honestly say I've not been this sick in years. I've taken 2 days sick from work and I feel terrible. Since Sunday afternoon my temperatue has been between 100-103 - this afternoon is the first time I've felt even a vague inclination get off of the bed or to open the PC (yeah, I know....it was bad). I think this is the first time I've taken sick leave at this company - and I've been there 5 years. Usually I'm a "I'll work from home today as I don't feel good"...that just hasn't been possible this time.

It is definitely flu. I looked it up on WebMD, and I have ALL the symptoms. Even the weirder symptoms like an eczema type rash on the eyes (think like teenage mutant ninja turtles....that's EXACTLY what it's like) - check out the pic.

I can't believe it's wiped me out like it has. I can see me being out of action for the entire week - I'm so tired.

One thing I don't like is the fact that I have terrible back ache....and nothing is helping. Makes for being most uncomfortable.

When I'm up for it I'll post about the past weekend when we had friends to stay.

Friday, April 04, 2008


Courtesy of my cousin Emily. Don't explain anything and don't judge!!!! Let's have fun and get to know one another!

Level one
() I have had an asthma attack
() Smoked A Cigarette
() Smoked A Cigar
(X) Been drunk
(X) Been In Love or still in love
(X) Been Dumped
( ) Been Fired
() Been In A Fist Fight
(X) Snuck Out Of A Parent's House
Total so far: 4

Level two
(X) Been Arrested or Seen Someone You Know Get Arrested
(X) Made Out With A Stranger
(X) Gone Out On A Blind Date
(X) Had Crush On someone older than you
(X) Skipped School
(X) Went out with A Co-worker/ team mate
() Seen Someone / Something Die
Total so far: 10

Level three
(X) Been On A Plane
(X) Thrown Up From Drinking
(X) Eaten Sushi
(X) Been Snowboarding/Skiing
() Been Moshing
(X) Taken Pain Killers
(X) Loved or Lost Someone Who You Can't Have
() Been in a bad relationship
Total so far: 16

Level four
(X) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
(X) Made A Snow Angel
(X) Had A Tea Party
(X) Flown A Kite
(X) Built A Sand Castle
(X) Gone Puddle Jumping
(X) Played Dress Up
() Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
(X) Gone Sledding
(X) Cheated While Playing A Game
Total so far: 25

Level five
(X) Been Lonely
() Fallen Asleep At Work / School
() Used A Fake / Someone Else's ID
(X) Watched The sun set/ sun rise
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Kissed A Snake
() Been Tickled
() Been Robbed / Vandalized
( ) Robbed Someone
(X) Been Misunderstood...
Total so far: 28

Level six
() Pet A Deer
(X) Won A Contest
() Been Suspended
(X) Had Detention
(X) Been In A Car/ Motorcycle Accident
() Had / Have Braces
() Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(X) Had déjà vu
() Danced in the moonlight
(X) Hated The Way You Look
Total so far: 33

Level seven
() Questioned Your Heart
(X) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
() Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(X) Been Lost
(X) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(X) Swam In The Ocean
(X) Felt Like You Were Dying
(X) Cried Yourself To Sleep
Total so far: 39

Level eight
(X) Played Cops And Robbers
() Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(X) Sang Karaoke
(X) Did Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
() Made Prank Phone Calls
(X) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
(X) Kissed In The Rain
(X) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
(X) Been Kissed Under the Mistletoe
Total: 46

Level nine
(X) Watched The Sun Set With Someone You Care / Cared About
(X) Blown Bubbles
(X) Made A Bonfire
(X) Crashed A Party
() Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
(X) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
() Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey
(X) Worn Pearls
() Jumped Off A Bridge
Total: 52

Level ten
(X) Seen Dolphins swimming in the ocean
(X) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/ Freezer/Ice Cube
() Kissed A Fish
() Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
() Sat On A Roof Top
(X) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
() Done A One-Handed Cartwheel
() Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
(X) Stayed Up All Night
Total: 56

Level eleven
(X) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
() Climbed A Tree
() Had / Been In A Tree House
(X) Have been/Are scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
(X) Seen/heard a Ghost
() Have/had More Than 30 Pairs Of Shoes or Flip Flops
( ) Gone streaking
() Been to/Visited Someone At Jail
() Played Chicken
() Been pushed into a pool with your clothes on
Total: 59

Level twelve
() Broken a bone
(X) Been Easily Amused
() Caught A Fish
() Caught A Butterfly
(X) Laughed So Hard You Cried
() Cried So Hard You Laughed
() Mooned / Flashed Someone
() Had someone Moon / Flash You
Total: 61

Level thirteen
(X) Cheated On A Test
(X) Forgotten Someone's Name
(X) French braided someone’s hair
() Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(X) Rode A Roller Coaster
(X) Went Scuba-Diving / Snorkeling
(X) Had A Cavity
Total: 67

Level fourteen

() Been Used
() Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Licked A Cat
() Bitten Someone
(X) Licked Someone
() Been shot at
() Flattened someone's tires
(X) Drove/rode in a car until the gas light came on
() Had five pounds or less and bought something
Total: 69

Where I've been

It feels like an eternity since I've posted. And it really has. For a variety of reasons I didn't post but here's a brief view of what's gone on in the past week.

1) Last Thursday I was asked to leave work, I was removed from payroll and until I fixed my visa situation I couldn't work.
2) I left the country last Friday, returned Tuesday
3) Have been busy as crap all the way through

I didn't post I had to leave as I wanted to surprise Mum and Dad by turning up - and once again we managed to do that. Tim and I now need to figure out a different venue for a surprise...because turning up to the local cafe and asking for a Full Monty breakfast is now old. Still, the food was very yummy.

I don't want go through all the minute details of why this happened but suffice to say when our green card finally does arrive and neither of us are tied to our employers it'll be blinking marvelous.

Carrying on with the exercise/diet thing...

Balance (before I left) 1260
2 classes Tues + 983
1 class Thurs + 680
Total calories 2923
1 Cadbury's creme egg 167
Balance 2756

I'm back on the straight and narrow again - i really miss Billy. I wish I could find a way to work with him again. Mitch just isn't cutting it - primarily because he's never flipping available. I've gotta get a better plan together....

Wish me luck