Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, November 21, 2005

Just when you think it's stable....

OK, so I've had my new job since April and I really really really enjoy it! Ever since I've had it there's been talk that perhaps the people I report to would change. That really sucks....because those people are the people I just came from.... oh well - I guess nothing stays stable for long, especially when happy:)

So I put my name in the hat for a job in New York with the people that I currently work for - and want to stay working for....not sure if you're keeping up - but let's hope so. This is how the instant msg between my boss (John) and my boss' boss (Deb) went...

John - Reuters:
btw Phil is interested in the FGA-NY mgr job
Debra - Reuters:
Debra - Reuters:
she would be great
Debra - Reuters:
would she move?
John - Reuters:
Debra - Reuters:
ok, let's move on this
Debra - Reuters:
speak with tom
John - Reuters:
will do

It's nice to feel wanted......so now I've just got to make sure I get the deal of a lifetime (impossible working for Reuters, but I'll try at least).

If anyone's worried about Trev, he's on the active look out for a new job anyway as he's bored with what he's got. Hopefully it'll be something like last time when he could travel from wherever to wherever....that way it won't matter where we live.

So now....just when I thought I was getting used to ST Louis it may be up in the air once again.... we'll see. We always knew the long term goal was to get to the East Coast so i was a single plane ride away from the UK, just wasn't expecting to have that happen in 2005 or 2006 for that matter.

On top of that the person we thought we'd found to lease the house in Iowa fell through so it's now completely possible that we'll end up with 2 houses and no one living in them. We'll go broke at this rate.

My evening and the rest of the week will be spent looking up salaries and apartments in New York to make sure i don't get hosed on the offer if it ever arrives. We'll see.

This afternoon at 3.30 I have to tell my team the news that our reporting line changes.............NOT looking forward to it as I can't think of 1 positive thing to say about the whole thing.

Life goes on.....off to Denver tomorrow. Think happy thoughts...think happy thoughts:)

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