Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Officially in my new job

I start my new job today....wooohoooo - doesn't feel like it though. it was crazy today, I got a cold so i've come home to prepare documentation and what happens? I leave my charger at work so I only have 2 hours to work. Funny thing is I seem to be blogging more than working.....jetlag'll do that to you.

I leave for NYC on march 8th - still don't have anywhere to live, but we'll figure it out. We close on the IA house tomorrow so that'll be one less hassle...then we have just the MO house to sell. We've agreed a price with my brother so we should have enough collatoral to buy in NY.

today was cool for another reason - I got an email from my friend Lorraine - we've known each other since I was about 17 and have kept in distant touch. Another reason to love the internet.....it brings you closer. Hopefully she's reading this blog to know I'm thinking of her. I do feel bad - i got her email, thought it was brief and replied just as briefly....only to find out it was a longer email. I'm now working on that too....it's a decade since we've seen each other so we have a lot to catch up on....i can't wait.

I'm also happy that Penny's back up and running.....it feels like I'm in touch again. All we need is for more people to blog and keep in touch and it'll be brilliant!

More later

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