Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ok, maybe we do need a broker:)

So, today was the first foray into looking for somewhere more permanent to live. Didn't go quite as planned...but still, a fun day. I thought we were doing good by being on the Corcoran website...and had it all planned out - we ended up in the wrong part of Brooklyn (cement city to put it mildly) and wasn't particularly nice to look at. We did find one building that had condos for sale that weren't on our list...but they were very expense (over a million!!!!) and the view wasn't good enough.

We did find one apartment - but that was coz we broke down, hailed a cab,....who didn't know where he was going and had to stop and look at a map - LOL* We did find a real estate agent there though who seemed pretty good...so we'll use her to look around rather than trying to do this on our own.

* I always took for granted London cab drivers who have to pass the "Knowledge" test....here, you have to know where you're going so you can give directions. Hahahahaha

things we learnt this weekend:
- we need a broker...we had thought that maybe we wouldn't need one and didn't want to pay
- that thinking we could get somewhere we'd like to live for $300k is a joke
- we can mortgage for more than we ever thought possible
- that we're both going to lose 2 dress sizes purely by the amount of walking that we're now doing in NYC
- that the train is OK....and we're going to have to get used to commuting all over again
- the view out of the windows in an apartment is really important (apparently)...to the tune of hundreds of thousands of $$$$
- that cab drivers sometimes don't kknow where to go either

OK, back to catching up with my work to-do list and out for dinner with friends.

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