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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sometimes things just work out...

This is weird....but interesting. My brother, Tim, is coming over for a week in May. The reason for the late notice is that the thing that got him over here was that I told him we'd got tickets to Billy Connolly. For my American readers....he's a Scottish comedian. Very blue....but incredibly funny (well, for us anyway). this is not the weird part. So, Trev and I already had tickets for May 19th. Tim booked his tickets...and then told me to go ahead and buy a single ticket for Billy Connolly. If you're familiar with ticketmaster.com you'll know that it's a pretty random selection of tickets that you get offered...........so imagine when i put in a order for a single ticket 4 weeks after I bought our tickets and the ticket that got returned was next to our seats. HOW FLIPPING WEIRD IS THAT????? Karma man......

Other stuff for work - I've hired so many people I only have 3 vacancies left (for those who remember I started with 15 at the beginning of March). Very excited coz now I feel I can start my job "for real". i've also found out that I'll prob get a pay rise too as they believe managing 60 people is a different level. Yeeeeha! We could really do with the move.

So our temporary apartment sucks! We've decided rather than rush into buying somewhere we're going to look for a temporary rental until August. that'll give us the breathing space to get stuff together and check out the market. All we have to do now is move in the next 4 weeks. Yippee - I can't wait.

Chris (Carrieanne's boyfriend) is back from Iraq. He bought her a car this week so she's pretty happy. I found out that she's in NY in a few weeks at a wedding so we're trying to hook up. that will be awesome!

We have so much to do.........................more later

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