Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, April 17, 2006

We made it...

So, we got here. It took 13 hours of driving on Friday, and a further 3 on Saturday....but we made it! Man....I had roadtrips! At least we're here though. The rest of Saturday we spent driving around Jersey City and Hoboken, both towns in New Jersey that we're considering living. We've both decided that we need a bit of surburban life as well as the city life. We want greenery and the ability to drive a car (especially to Target or Walmart). The one thing I really hate about Manhattan is the fact you shop every day for what you're going to eat......I HATE IT. So.....we found some good places. We're just not used to even considering over half a million for a place so it's taking a bit of getting used to.

Terms we're getting used to:
JUMBO - it's when you're borrowing over $417,000
Deeded parking spot - it means you have a numbered space included in the price of the condo

It's like a whole new life....oh what fun! I'm sure we'll find something - we will investigate again next weekend!

Tornadoes......so we're in the hotel Friday morning and Peter c+alls at 8am (6am his time) and says "have you heard from Rachel?". That's worrying in itself as it's so early. It turns out that the tornadoes that had occurred the previous evening that we were watching on TV were in IOWA CITY. that's where Rach lives. Ouch! Ok, so we then find out that she's fine...although the city is under a state of emergency. Cars are overturned, houses levelled, trees uprooted. Very very scary.

Ok, so back to work etc etc.....

1 comment:

Penny said...

Glad to hear that Rachel is safe. We were thinking of her and knew that the worst hit areas weren't near her, but you never know.