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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas has been and gone

It's over - quick as a flash. We had a vacation, Peter visited, we hung out, ate, drunk, visited and now it's New Year's Eve - already! See the pics...it sums up our week.

The first pic is my favourite Christmas tree decoration - a bulb lights it up and my camera captured it beautifully. Next to that is Rudolf - he takes up a chair all on his own.

Next, is our one and only pic of the 3 of us together - note we never actually got dressed on Christmas day. Peter cooked everything - it was a lovely treat.

We had many visits to Manhattan, this next pic is of Peter in Times Square.

The last two pics are of Chris Botti. We went to a concert of his on the 29th at the Blue Note Jazz Club. While we weren't allowed flash photography (hence the darkness) my camera didn't do too bad a job of taking pics - these are the best.

We also went to see a play on Broadway last night - The Scene. It had Patricia Heaton (the mum in Everybody Loves Raymond) and Tony Shaloub (best known as Monk) in it - was very very good. I love going to the theatre - I just wish Trev like musicals because then I think we'd go every week. Even Trev enjoyed this play so I'm looking for others. I'm hoping we'll get to go and see Butley with Nathan Lane, but I may not be able to get tickets as it's finished on January 14th.

I got new glasses today - we have flexible spending plans here (tax free money for heath stuff) and we hadn't used up our plans for the year. Like usual, I had to wait until the last day of the year before deciding to spend the money. I got 2 pairs and Trev got 1 (he got his first back in October). I'll take pics in the next couple of days so you can see mine - one pretty conservative - the other quite wacky for me! They're purple:)

I've decided two things for 2007
1) I will finish my MBA
2) As I'm turning 40, I'm going to get a body of which I'm proud

The first one is a case of applying myself and getting it done. The second means not only will I continue to work as hard at the gym as I have, but I'll not eat chocolate and fatty food. I'm serious - I've talked about it enough - time for action.

Some updates:
- My friend Diane got in touch - finally. I'm so glad she emailed and that we're exchanging again. I've missed her. Hopefully we'll get to visit sometime soon.
- I've booked some trips to Cedar Rapids, Chicago and England for January and February
- Work is crazy; I'm still doing the reviews but should be done in the next day or so
- We still have a long list of stuff for the builder to fix; hoping we're meeting them this coming week to get resolution finally

OK, I'm off out to the bar round the corner to bring in the new year!

Happy New Year everyone - love you!

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