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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thank goodness for Rubbermaid boxes

Remember a few weeks ago I said that our basement lockup had been flooded and everything was ruined? Well, we found out today that it's not as bad as we thought. Yes my old piano is damaged at the bottom, but only at one corner. My piano stool has had to go, but everything else is OK. Our Christmas Tree was fine and dandy, just the box damaged, and the decorations pretty cool too although some of the glass ones were damaged (sorry Penny, your gifts from a couple of years ago had to go). for the most part though we were OK. See separate post for pics.

We've taken apart the patio table which has given us a bit more room, and all the stuff in the plastic boxes is just fine - that is awesome. Never again will i store stuff in cardboard boxes. So, we've sorted it out a bit and we got the tree up. Yeeeeha!

Mum's doing OK too - she had knee surgery last week. Sounded quite perky when I called - I have to say I wish I recover from anaesthetic as well as she. While her knee is "OK" and it's been washed out she has arthritus and been told that a knee replacement is in order. The thing that sucks with the UK Health system is that she's got to lose about 50 lb before they'll consider her. Now, while the ladies in our family have always been cuddly, and technically we're all "obese" - I've seen much much bigger people in the world. Since Mum's had diabetes she's been very rigid in her diet and has steadily been losing. I think it sucks that the NHS are making her diet before they'll do the surgery. I'm really hoping this clean out will mean they can at least visit us here in the UK in 2007....if not, then I'll be over there.

We've had another set of neighbours move in - an all-male couple upstairs - can't remember their names but they seem very nice. We've done well so far, all people i nthe building are social and I think we'll all get along great. Only 2 more condos to go to get the full set. We'll see how that goes!!

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