Weight Loss Tracker

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Friday's food diary

Phew! Doing those reviews is hard. Still trying not to eat too much - failed i think

Breakfast - Kelloggs K and full cream milk (I just can't stand skimmed)
Snack - granola bar (90 calorie variety)
Lunch - Potato and corn soup, 1 bread roll (sounds good but it was thick and creamy and yummy)
Snack - granola bar
Bar 41 - met some friends, 2 gin and tonics
Dinner - out with Trev and Mary Ann. Chinese. One plate only, but enough said.
Snack - laying in bed, watching telly, 1/2 mars bar (Milky Way to you yanks!)

Bad bad bad day....but could have been worse.
This morning I"m off to the gym - 30mins cardio, an hour with Billy and then an hour of pilates. However will have a bacon butty before I go (that's a sandwich with bacon and ketchup....yummy)

Have to work this weekend to catch up on reviews...but hey ho, it could be worse.

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