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Sunday, November 11, 2007

An Ikea geek moment

So you all know I'm a geek. You also know I love Ikea. I sent our duvet (comforter) to the cleaners and it came back queen size rather than king. So, given I live 15 mins from Ikea I decided the best course of action was early in the day drag Trev along and we'd choose our new duvet. Yeah!

That was the easy part and we had a duvet chosen in a few minutes. On a side note, did you know you can buy a duvet there now for under $10 for a full, $12 for a queen and about $14 for a king. They were crap I might add....but even so...

Ok, back to the story. We still managed to drop $500....which is usual for an Ikea visit, right? Got a new rug, some cheap kitchen stuff which is always useful, our duvet, a new duvet cover, wrapping paper etc etc. So.....the coolest thing we bought were new lamps.

Now that doesn't sound geeky, does it? But it is. These lamps you plug in. Then to turn on you touch the stem, same to turn it off. That was good...right? Here's the coolest thing. To dim it, you hold on to it.... now they weren't cheap. But they are coolio.

OK I'm done - geek moment over.

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