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Friday, February 15, 2008

I think I have OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Do I have it? I never really thought so, although now I'm wondering. A weird thing to write about, but it just struck me that I might have OCD.

Stupid things like...my mugs, glasses, plates, cutlery, cooking utensils all must be in their homes. Not just in the right drawer or cupboard, but in the right order. For example, let's take my mugs. The poor mugs can't just be on the right shelf, they have to put together in their sets with their handles all facing the same way. OCD? I think so. Next, my cutlery. Knives on the left, next big forks, then small forks, then spoons. Small teaspoons at the bottom. Ditto the OCD question.

It's the fact that I know I like it like that. It's how I respond when I open the drawer or cupboard and it's not like that.

Our neighbours have been living with us for nearly 2 months. We've actually got on really well, no major hiccups at all. We share groceries and bills and it's working out OK. Now there are times when I'd like to be on our own (TMI I know...but it was VALENTINES night last night....and it's been many years since I've had to be quiet if you know what I mean). On the whole though, it's been OK with houseguests.

So back to the OCD question. When I open the cupboard and the mugs are haphazard I get annoyed, immediately have to change it all so it's back the way I like it. Same with silverware, saucepans, cushions etc etc.

OCD? I think so.

Diagnosis over.

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