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Sunday, August 10, 2008

My bike

Finally! It arrived and I've ridden around on it. I think it looks a bit flipping nerdy, if you ask me but it's very comfortable and easy to ride. The colour is also not my favourite but it should hide the dirt very well. My goal when I get back from the UK in a couple of weeks is to ride it to and from the gym and off to the store for a couple of things. I'm being moaned at to get a hat (by Trev, the shop guy and Billy) and I thought Trev would have got one at the store given we'd picked it out, but he didn't. I also need something to hold a bottle of water and a tyre pump. I can feel the shopping spree coming out already.....Mum was asking me what I wanted for my birthday - I think that I've found it. Rachel bought me a chain so it can't be stolen.
My confidence isn't that high though. It's been years and years since I've ridden a bike - at school it was every day, and then when I first started work it was the same. I think since I've had a driving licence biking took a back seat. It feels kinda cool that I'm starting up again - I just hope that I keep it up.

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