Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, March 06, 2006

It's crazy

I think I'm having the quietest meltdown in history....

Step 1: House in Iowa is sold - yeeeeeha. Have seen any money yet, although we make a complete and utter loss.
Step 2: Go through rooms in St Louis house and make sure we pitch all the crap stuff
Step 3: Get my ass to NYC on March 8 - bags packed, don't forget anything. Find somewhere to live
Step 2a: Don't forget between now and then that it's your husband's birthday. Quite worried about his gift and I've got him something that Tim (my brother) tells me he'll love. Don't worry at all about the fact that Trev said he didn't want one the DAY AFTER I bought it.....I hope I haven't let him down
Step 4: See Melissa and John for socializing in NYC
Step 5: Be in NY for St Patricks Day...Trev will be in town for that, brilliant

Even so, it's going to be busy - I've not got anywhere to live and work won't let me stay in a hotel for weeks and weeks. It has to be my first port of call. Mind you, my calendar is getting so booked up I'm not sure how to find the time. I WILL MAKE TIME I WILL MAKE TIME I WILL MAKE TIME....keep repeating this over and over again

Had a fantastic leaving do last Friday...can't remember some of it - but have about 250 photos to prove it. It was fabulous. I'm so sad to be leaving but very excited about my new opportunity. I'll post the photos later.

Was at the dentist this morning....again. Yuk. although I can quite frankly recommend this conscious sedation thing. You get happy drugs via IV - and you don't care they're hurting your mouth. Recovery is pretty good too so that's even better. I'm at the point where I'd fly back to STL to see these guys - awesome!

OK back to work, back to sorting, back to getting b'day ready, back to clearing up, back to.....................ouch:) my brain hurts!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Hang in there - and enjoy New York!!! We're thinking of you!