Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I did something awful

So, while on my day at home catching up (which was very successful), I nipped out in the car for a couple of errands....but I did something I've never ever done before.

I ended up on a toll road, and when I came off it I had to pay the toll. It was 25c - and it was unmanned....and get this - I had absolutely no change in my purse. It had fallen out. So, there's a queue of cars, I found a dime in the car and chucked it in. While I'm looking for other money, some idiot (or 3) behind me start tooting and yelling at me to get moving. I was actually quite scared.

So, I drove off. Talk about a guilt trip....

1 comment:

Penny said...

Geesh.... slipping through the toll a whole 15 cents short! How horrible ! I thought the headline was that you did something really bad. LOL! If it'll make you feel better you can always pay 40 cents next time you happen to go that route ! Silly woman!