Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A landmark

I hit 15lb lost. Well, 15.2lb to be precise - one has to be precise when we're talking weightloss as every ounce counts. Anyone who's watched their weight knows that. I'm back on the straight and narrow - especially with exercise. My 2008 exercise schedule is:

Monday - Spin class x 2 (1400 calories burnt)
Tuesday - 1 hour with trainer, 1 spin class
Wednesday - Spin if I feel like it, usually will take a day off
Thursday - 1 hour with trainer, 1 spin class
Friday - off
Saturday - Spin class plus Bodypump (strength training class) (1400 calories burnt)
Sunday - Yoga (if i can be bothered)

I'm bummed there are no pilates or ab type classes that i can take. That said, Billy makes damn sure he kicks my ass in that department so I think we're good.

The cool thing is the heart rate monitor. To think that doing the 2 spin classes last night I burnt 1417 calories in less than 2 hours is awesome. That is a full day of food.....mind you, with that you'd think I'd be dropping the weight, but oh no it's not happening that way. Tonight I get to find out how many calories I burn when I train with Billy and then do a spin class.

On Friday I'm doing Saints and Spinners at Grand Central so we'll see how I feel after that.

I'm in England for 2 weeks shortly and I'm determined I will fit in 20mins cardio exercise in the gym each morning I'm at the hotel. while it's not a lot, it's something to remind me to keep up with the diet.

I've stopped writing about my eating because, quite frankly, it was boring me to pieces so i'm sure it'll bore any reader too.

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