Weight Loss Tracker

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another week gone!

I started work on Monday and next thing I knew it was 6pm on Friday night. It went soooo fast, as did the week before. I don't feel I had much time to post updates so here's a snapshot.

1. My trainer. Since beginning of December we've not been able to work out and I'm missing it dreadfully. I'm still hopeful my friend Sharon will fix it so we can use the facility that we did - if not, not really sure what I'm going to do. I still go to spin classes and the odd strength class but it's nothing like I was. This WILL get better (so I tell myself).

2. Diet. It's cool. I seem to have found a way to maintain or lose every week since October. I'm very happy about that. Slow but steady is always good.

3. Work. I had my performance review and it was awesome. Not only does your boss review you but so do your colleagues. That's always more terrifying I think - you may think you have a good relationship but sometimes you find out that may not be the case. This was not what happened - there was not a single "development" item. It does make you wonder when that happens why you don't get the highest score......but hey, as long as I'm not average who cares?

4. Work. It's been nuts. I'm working like crazy and it's getting out of control because of #1 above. It seems to me that I need a more senior job, get paid more and then work way less - oh yeah, and hire a dummy like me who works their tail off. While some of the stuff I do is fun it would be nice to have a little bit of feedback periodically.

5. My ankle. It gets better all the time and while I don't notice it day in, day out I can now wear heels at work (although I revert to flats to go outside!) and walk any distance I choose. I just wish it'd stop aching when it's cold.

6. Our gym. It's nuts - the new owners are in a world of their own. They've canceled half the classes, all the instructors have left so coupled with not seeing Billy I'm finding it tough. Time to look for a new gym....problem is there's only a few in our town and all have their pros and cons.

7. My short hair. Now, I liked it the day it was done then hated it for about 10 days. I realized that perhaps if I changed brushes to match the shorter hair it'd be easier to manage. I seem to have found the best way to dry it so it at least looks like a style when I get to work (rather than just a crappy short hair do).

It's now the weekend - we're off to see Somorre tonight in the city with some friends - never seen any of her stuff (I'm told it's wild...) so will report back.

I just wish I had more time....

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